Posted by admin on Oct 5, 2012 in Drama |

It’s World War II, and we observe a widowed MOTHER and her two small children, PAUL and SILVIE in their first days as war refugees, and the heartbreak of leaving the only home they have ever known. As war rages, they find inner strength and courage as they struggle on their perilous journey to safety; traveling the war-torn roads of their country with other refugees as the attacks carry on. In the end, the character of their family has been tested and reinforced, and though their fate remains unsecured, we sense their faith will see them through these difficult and dark days.
“Robert Nathan has written his most realistic book, and struck chords of universal resonance with his most moving simplicity… It is touched with the idyllic beauty, lightened with the smiling normality, made challenging by the reflective thought which belong to all Robert Nathan’s best work; and its resonance is of innate human hope and the recognition of human brotherhood.”
Katherine Woods
New York Times