Posted by admin on Aug 19, 2012 in Books, Fantasy |

Two trains heading in opposite directions make a brief stop in a field. The outbound train carries men and women who are burdened and feel the weight of the world on their shoulders, while the inbound passengers from the other train convey an excitement and enthusiasm about what the future holds. As the two trains are about to leave for their final destination, the outbound train passengers encourage a young man from their train to join a young woman he has just met from the other train, so that they can be together. The breathtaking climax reveals that one train is bringing arrivals to Heaven while the other train is taking new souls back to Earth.
Note: This beautifully written novel was Nathan’s metaphor about the holocaust.
This novel is available to read as an ebook from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and iTunes.
“However that may be, here again Mr. Nathan leads us into a land bounded on one side by Avalon and on the other side by the Hesperides. Entering that land, with proper papers of course, one may consider with some pleasure the ageless questions that trouble all of us.”
Paul Jordan-Smith
Los Angeles Times