Posted by on Oct 5, 2012 in | 0 comments

JOSEPH VICTOR, an American newspaperman stationed in Rome is waiting for the next big story when he’s assigned to cover a skirmish in the Middle East that history will later anoint as the 1948 Arab-Israeli uprising. Joseph’s journalistic profession reveals a man more comfortable asking questions then looking inward. A former child prodigy, he ran away from a promising concert career, and those scars still linger, and he continually fails to connect with life. This all changes when on his journey to Palestine he has an affair with Zionist freedom fighter ANNA.  Anna’s passion and dedication for her people and the Jewish cause ignite something Joseph thought was dead in himself, fueling Joseph’s passion for the Jewish heritage he never embraced and inspiring him to fight for, and make his home in the newly formed Jewish state.

This novel is based on a true story.


“For here is Robert Nathan in a new role, writing not the fantasies of which he is a master, but the story of a lonely and gifted man caught in the tide of the traditions of his people and swept, through struggling against this tide, into recognition of himself… We have been waiting for such a novel as this on the theme of Israel. It is here now and written, as it should be, by a poet.”

Leonard Wibberley
Los Angeles Times